18 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Mechanisms to Coordinate the Internet of Services: The Simulation Environment SimIS

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    Visions of 21st century information systems show highly specialized digital services and resources, which interact continuously and with a global reach. Especially with the emergence of technologies, such as the semantic web or software agents, intelligent services within these settings can be implemented, automatically communicating and negotiating over the Internet about digital resources without human intervention. Such environments will eventually realize the vision of an open and global Internet of Services (IoS). In this paper we present an agent-based simulation model and toolkit for the IoS: 'SimIS - Simulating an Internet of Services'. Employing SimIS, distributed management mechanisms and protocols can be investigated in a simulated IoS environment before their actual deployment.Multi-Agent Simulation, Internet, Simulation Tools

    The BabelNEG System - A prototype Infrastructure for protocol-generic SLA Negotiations

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    Visions of the next-generation Internet of Services are drivenby digital resources traded on a global scope. For the resultingeconomic setting, automated on-line techniques forhandling services and resources themselves, for advertisingand discovering as well as for the on-the-y negotiation ofproper terms for their use are needed. Hence, a exible infrastructurefor the respective management of services andassociated service level agreements is mandatory.In this paper we present a novel approach for such an infrastructure,building on software-agent technology and anexpressive but still machine manageable protocol descriptionlanguage, capable of specifying a multitude of dierentnegotiation protocols. It supports the discovery of serviceswith appropriate SLA negotiation styles as well as the actualSLA negotiations based on the chosen protocol descriptiondocuments

    study protocol for a randomized-controlled trial

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    Background Functional abdominal pain (FAP) is not only a highly prevalent disease but also poses a considerable burden on children and their families. Untreated, FAP is highly persistent until adulthood, also leading to an increased risk of psychiatric disorders. Intervention studies underscore the efficacy of cognitive behavioral treatment approaches but are limited in terms of sample size, long-term follow-up data, controls and inclusion of psychosocial outcome data. Methods/Design In a multicenter randomized controlled trial, 112 children aged 7 to 12 years who fulfill the Rome III criteria for FAP will be allocated to an established cognitive behavioral training program for children with FAP (n = 56) or to an active control group (focusing on age-appropriate information delivery; n = 56). Randomization occurs centrally, blockwise and is stratified by center. This study is performed in five pediatric gastroenterology outpatient departments. Observer- blind assessments of outcome variables take place four times: pre-, post-, 3- and 12-months post-treatment. Primary outcome is the course of pain intensity and frequency. Secondary endpoints are health-related quality of life, pain- related coping and cognitions, as well as selfefficacy. Discussion This confirmatory randomized controlled clinical trial evaluates the efficacy of a cognitive behavioral intervention for children with FAP. By applying an active control group, time and attention processes can be controlled, and long-term follow-up data over the course of one year can be explored

    Nanophononics: state of the art and perspectives

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    The BabelNEG System – A Protocol-Generic Infrastructure for Electronic SLA Negotiations in the Internet of Services

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    Visions of the next-generation Internet of Services are driven by digital resources traded on a global scope. For the resulting economic setting, automated on-line techniques for handling services and resources themselves, for advertising and discovering as well as for the on-the-fly negotiation of proper terms for their use are needed. Hence, a flexible infrastructure for the respective management of services and associated service level agreements is mandatory. This thesis presents the results of my dissertation project. They comprise a service infrastructure, able to support the structured discovery and protocol-generic negotiation of electronic service level agreements (SLAs) and thus services themselves

    Anforderungserhebung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung - Ein Vorschlag für einen strukturierten Erhebungsprozess und die resultierende Anforderungsdokumentation

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    Die Anforderungserhebung ist eine der entscheidenden Phasenerfolgreicher Softwareentwicklung und birgt im Kontexteines oentlichen Organs besondere Herausforderungen.Neben historisch gewachsenen IT-Landschaften sind in denverantwortlichen Entscheidungsgremien oentlicher Verwaltungenhochst unterschiedliche Expertisen im Hinblick aufdie Softwareentwicklung anzutreen. Ein Anforderungsdokumentmuss diesen Umstand berucksichtigen und fur alleBeteiligten verstandlich sein; nichtsdestotrotz muss dieinhaltliche Qualitat dokumentierter Anforderungen gewahrleistetsein. Der vorliegende Beitrag adressiert diese Herausforderungenund stellt ein Verfahren zur strukturierten Anforderungserhebungim oentlichen Kontext vor. Dabei werdenunter Verwendung sowohl naturlichsprachlicher als auchmodellbasierter Anforderungsdokumentation Vorschlage zurStrukturierung des Anforderungsdokumentes sowie der syntaktischenMuster einzelner Anforderungen unterbreitet. Eswird zudem die Anwendung und Ergebnisse des vorgestelltenVerfahrens im Rahmen des Projektes der UniversitatBayreuth zur Konsolidierung der universitaren Informationssystemedargelegt